Category: NetGalley

  • Summer Fridays, Suzanne Rindell: a review

    Thank you to the publisher for the advanced copy from NetGalley! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5) TW: mentions 9/11, death of relative (off page), cheating  There’s one thing I definitely didn’t expect going into Summer Fridays, and that was to have the AOL ‘you have email’ alert play such a vital part in Nick and Sawyer’s story. I…

  • All’s Fair in Love and War, Virginia Heath: a review

    All’s Fair in Love and War, Virginia Heath  Thank you to the publisher for the advanced copy from NetGalley! ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5) TW: light steam, not suitable for younger readers.  I love regency romances. I love regency romances so much that I own a small library of Julia Quinn books, so I was, understandably, beyond excited…

  • Release Day: Better Left Unsent, Lia Louis

    This post is a day late (my bad!!) but happy release day for Lia Louis’ Better Left Unsent. If you’re interested in a women’s fiction with light romance, then give this book a go. Have a read of my review below for more. – Em Better Left Unsent, Lia Louis Thank you to the publisher…

  • The Right Place, Sophia Money-Coutts: a review

    Thank you to the publisher for the free copy from NetGalley! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5) TW: death of a relative (off page), mentions previous miscarriages, alcoholism, sexual harassment, cheating Sophia Money-Coutts is on her A-game, and I am obsessed. I am obsessed with this book, the characters, basically everything, and now I want to move to France…

  • Degrees of Engagement, Jennifer Hennessy: a review

    Thank you to the publisher for the free copy from NetGalley! ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5) TW: spice, not suitable for younger readers Hands down my favourite part of Degrees of Engagement is the absolute shade thrown to the British Museum over the Parthenon Marbles, and I cannot applaud Hennessy enough for this. Onto the review. Degrees of…

  • Better Left Unsent, Lia Louis: a review

    Thank you to the publisher for the advanced copy from NetGalley! ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5) TW: emotionally abusive/manipulative relationships  When I requested Better Left Unsent, I expected a romance, which is why I think it took me a little while to ‘get’ the book. Don’t get me wrong, the chemistry between Millie, the protagonist, and Jack, is…

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